
I was lying in bed the other night on my phone watching YouTube, as I do, lol, and I came across this video where a woman was stamping on tiles and making coasters and I thought to myself… “How awesome”….. so I went out and bought some tiles and gave it a go and this is how they turned out.

I am really chuffed with them. I even had my first craft fair yesterday and I sold four. Wow, I could not believe it. I am not going to invest in more stamps and hopefully I can get more people interested in my coasters.

New Baby Card – Emily

My partner’s friend had a baby girl the other day and I was asked to make a card to give to the family, so of course when I was told the name of the baby, I just had to put her name on the card. It had to be a one of a kind card.

I used a plain white card plain white card blank and stuck a piece of background from basic pink ( the strips paper). The “Emily” was cut with my cricut using the Plantin school book cartridge and pink cardstock. For the stamps, I got freebies from a magazine a few years ago and can’t remember the name, but I coloured the pram using my promarkers then layered the pictures and “new baby” on pink card as well. I then stick two strips of yellow ribbon and tide a bow together on both.

Tissue Box Journals

I do like to not waste things, and when I go shopping for my family’s groceries, I have a habbit of looking for things that I can re-use once the box is empty.  Waste not, want not! So when I buy Tissues, I look at the box and think ” can I make something out the the emty boxes?”

And what do you know, with my Zutter Bind it All, I made these little journals. I cut some of them, 4×4 inches and some 4×3 inches and the inside sheets are just normal photocopier paper cut to the same size.

Birthday MotorBike

I got the “Creative Stamping” magazine this weekend and decided to make a manly card.

So I searched through all my scraps and found some black spotted paper I printed a while ago and matted it on black card. I then stamped the Bike in black ink on white card and matted that on black card and stuck everything down, as soon on the photo, and then added white and black ribbon.

Waste Not, Want Not – Lindor Balls

I got a awesomely big box of Lindor Balls chocolate from my other half the one day and when I was munching on them, I got an idea of using the wrappers on a card and this was the outcome.

I cut the strips with the pattern and glued them down on to three pieces of card, (two different sizes) then once they were dry I stuck them down onto red card and also stuck a little “Best Wishes”Greeting from outline stickers on.

Thinking of You

These are cards that I put together using Create and Craft card (red and pink) and the backing paper was a freebie from a magazine. The flowers are prima flowers which I coloured using Tim Holtz Distress inks. Then the bling I used was self adhesive crystals. I used a “Thinking of You” stamp as well as a “Thank you” stamp for two little extra cards.

Hello world!

Hi, I have been wanting to start a blog for a while but not known where to start or what to write so here goes.

I enjoy crafting alot, I started jewellery making and then moved on to making cards which I am more passionate about. I recently started scrapbooking, but its taking a bit of time doing my boy’s books, but I will get there. But like I said, card making is more my thing at the moment so you will probably find more pictures of my cards on here with a few bits of jewellery and other crafts items that I may make.

Well enough of my rambling on. I will put a pic or two of some of the things I have done so far and over the next few days I will put more pics of cards I have done over the last few weeks/months.

I do hope that you like them and feel free to leave any comments if you like.